It’s that time of year when grocery stores start putting out BBQ supplies and 4th of July decorations and all the department stores start blowing out bikinis to make room for winter coats! Easter! Yep, it’s the day we celebrate … Continue reading
Tag Archives: religion
115 Cardinals walk into the Vatican. The bartender (you know they have one) say, ‘Hey, we don’t serve Cardinals here.’ And the Cardinals say ‘Why? Are you a Mets fan?’ So the Cardinals are all holed up in the Sistine … Continue reading
Well, since we’re just getting into 2013, I figure it’s about time we start talking about year 3000. So here’s a few of my predictions for where the world will be 987 years from now. 1. Windows will continue to … Continue reading
Since Henson productions pulled their toys from Chik Fil-A’s children’s meals, they’re going to need a replacement. I’m totally ahead of the game with this idea from my DVD “Be Yourself… Unless You’re An Idiot.” … Continue reading
Religious adherents like to believe that their faith brings people together. And it does, as long as it’s the same faith. I’m not even really talking about something like Islam vs. Christianity here. Even within one faith, there’s a zillion … Continue reading