What’s On Tap for 2016

WSOC 2015 1New Year’s Eve is a time when everyone parties it up and then gets all serious the next day about what they’re going to do over the next year. I try to have some plans in motion before January because getting back to work after the holidays is hard enough without having to try new stuff too. 🙂

So, here’s a bit of stuff I’ve got in the works and will continue with in 2016.

Comedy and Music – Oh, yes. That’s all happening. My touring schedule is already heftier than previous years including my first Canadian dates coming up in February and March. I’m also doing a ton of writing for my next comedy special which looks like it’s leaning into the theme of futurism and technology.  I’ve got about 20 minutes of stuff I’m pretty happy with so far.  And I’m nearly finished with a full on Mexican Soap Opera studio version of The Legend of Ms Garcia that I’m hoping to release in January.

A Novel – I’m just over the halfway mark of the first draft of a comic mafia story.  I’ve never written a novel before so it’s mostly to see if I can put 80,000 words together in one story. The first draft should be done by April and a release could happen by winter 2016.  More likely early 2017.

Guitar School – You might know that I’ve also been a private music teacher for many many years.  For the last two years I’ve been working on a proprietary guitar learning method that incorporates a lot of accelerated learning techniques.  It’s currently in a testing and editing stage with a half dozen online students and I’m planning on releasing it to the general public in summer 2016.

Under The Crossbones Podcast – I’m 21 episodes into the Under The Crossbones podcast and the show is seeing a nice amount of growth each month.  I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some super interesting people from all facets of the pirate fandom community including actors, musicians, directors, treasure hunters, wreck divers, children’s entertainers, clothing designers, festival founders, and more.  It’s also given me the opportunity to expose my audience to a lot of comedy and music from my friends.  And it’s been very gratifying to hear nice things from people who aren’t part of pirate fandom but find the show riveting anyway.

Plenty of other random stuff as well.  But these are the big projects for the next 12 months or so.  Every day a new adventure!

What are you working on?  Leave me a comment and tell me about your projects. 🙂

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