Comedy Hack Day, produced by Cultivated Wit is an event that pairs coders with comics in a 24-ish hour marathon of building something interesting and funny for the web. I haven’t done any hard core coding since programming and Apple IIc … Continue reading
Tag Archives: entrepreneur
With today’s much-hyped IPO of Facebook, U2’s Bono stands to make a couple billion dollars through his investment company Elevation. That will be more money than he’s made with U2 in the last 30 years and, depending on his personal … Continue reading
I recently released a survey to mailing list to get some feedback on possible models for future distribution of my music and comedy. Quite a few other artists were interested in seeing the results as well, so I thought I’d … Continue reading
I don’t envy the people that have to go through the job interview process. They always seem to demand more acting skill than any audition I’ve ever been on. I never really went through a real interview process like most … Continue reading
I don’t think it’s any secret that working as a performing artist is not the instant way to riches. And if that is a secret to you, now you know why music and other types of artists prefer you buy … Continue reading