Paperman – A Modern Animation Masterpiece from Disney

Paperman from DisneyIf you’re a Disney fan, you’ve seen this short already.  But if not, give it a watch.  It’s really fantastic.  It captures that classic Disney look and spirit while pushing ahead into a new look and technology.  Exactly the things I like about Disney. 🙂

What first caught my eye was seeing that classic, hand-drawn look, but with the depth of CG animation.  Disney has always used shorts as vehicles for testing new technology before using it in full length features.  I don’t know if we’ll be seeing in The Snow Queen, but I’m sure it will be used for whatever is coming after that.

This won the Oscar for Animated Short this year and for good reason (even though the other nominees were very good too).

I’ve embedded the film itself below.  And for those of you like my girlfriend who didn’t really see the difference or care, (I know.  I love her anyway.)  I’ve also posted a little behind the scenes video that Disney created that shows some of the theory behind this new animation style.

You may not understand everything they’re talking about in the second one.  I didn’t and I know a bit about this stuff.  But it is interesting to see how much work goes into these things.

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