I’ve got a couple friends who have hit on hard times through no fault of their own. We all know folks like that, I understand. But if you have a few dollars to spare, I encourage you to take a look at my friends Eric Bolivar and Corie Gipson.
It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of health care fixes the government comes up with, nothing seems to cover stuff like this.
Eric Bolivar is a friend of mine from high school and one of the best drummers I know. He’s a mainstay of the New Orleans music scene and a genuinely great human being.
But now he’s dealing with level 5 kidney failure. That means dialysis for the rest of his life and possibly a kidney transplant.
Read Eric’s story and donate to his medical fund at http://www.gofundme.com/kdg5cc
Corie Gipson is one of our local comedians here in San Jose. She’s been a big supporter of my work for a long time and has done a lot of great things for the Bay Area comedy community.
Corie is dealing with stage 4 Lymphoma cancer and will be needing a bone marrow transplant. She’s one of the most positive people I’ve ever met. And what’s going to make her better is happy thoughts and lots of money. You can read more of Corie’s story and donate to her medical fund at http://www.gofundme.com/CorieKicksCancer