Ukiah, CA may seem like a strange place to spend New Years Eve. It’s in the middle of nowhere in northern Northern California. They have a summer comedy series that I’ve done a couple times and it’s always a ton of fun with killer audiences.
Doing NYE was a new idea for them. Started at 8pm with a couple hours of comedy followed by a buffet dinner and a band called the Megatones.
As it turns out, fewer people in Ukiah like to go out on NYE. 🙂 But there were still a bit over a hundred people in attendance and they were the wonderful audience I always expect to see there.
Strangely, right after the comedy portion, a good chunk of the room went home. Left… at 10pm. Not the late night party types, I guess.
But at least Robert Duchaine and myself both had great sets, sold some merch, and got paid to party on NYE. 🙂
And at least there’s a real dressing room at this place. Of course, it also looks like it doubles for city council meetings. But it’s better than a bathroom stall. 🙂
My girlfriend Agnes gets the week between Christmas and New Years off from her job, so we headed up to Oregon on the 26th. She did her best to shop at every outlet mall in Oregon (no sales tax, after all…) and I managed to eat too much while waiting for her. Two nights in Klamath Falls, two nights in Portland, one night back in Klamath, then we headed to Ukiah. 1500 miles all told.
There were two highlights of the trip. I hit 200,000 miles on my car. Thing still runs like a champ too. When I got it, there were 30,000 on it. So I’ve topped it up pretty good over the last 7 years.
We also visited the Multnomah Falls in Oregon. Second highest water falls in the country at over 600 feet. Pretty darn impressive. And cold. Very cold.
We also hiked up to that little bridge about halfway up. It’s only about .2 miles, but it’s pretty impressive when you get up there.
So all in all, a pretty darn nice trip topped off with a really fun show. Good start to 2014, I say. 🙂