Dressing Room – Station 55 – Gilroy, CA – 9/11/13

station55gilroy91213Spartan and yet with a classy-ish beer sign for a mirror.  I wonder how many drunks and stood in that mirror wondering why there are so many lines on their face.

Station 55 in Gilroy is a really comfortable little room to do comedy in.  30 people and it’s a full house. 

For the most part I did my A material that works in a working class type of venue.  But I did get in a newish bit about Godzilla going on vacation that will be really good with some tightening.  It’s the type of bit that forces the audience to go out on an imaginative limb with me and I like that.  Hard to pull off though.

I also did a bit about Hitler’s bodyguard dying recently that alternated between big laughs and a few awkward silences. 

Again, with some tightening, I think it can become a good bit.  Controversial, maybe.  Though I don’t know why.  I spend 3 minutes calling Nazis out for being liars and assholes.  Doesn’t seem like a controversial stance to me…

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