Here we are at Penguins Comedy Club in Cedar Rapids, IA. And you can see I’m back in the bathroom to don the red shirt. Another cool little basement club.
This was my first time to Cedar Rapids and I like it. Like Dubuque, you can tell it’s got some history, but it’s not overwhelmed by it.
And… I found a Cuban restaurant! And a good one! Run by a dude from Miami! And can’t tell you how excited I was to get my hands on a good Cuban sandwich and black beans. If you’re ever there, definitely visit The Lost Cuban.
I did two nights at this club with Willie Farrell and we had a good time. Willie is a guy that’s known more in the corporate gig world. But he had some good stuff and did a lot of good crowd work.
Friday’s crowd was a little thin, about 25 people. But we were up against 3 other large events in town that night. Even so, they were a hot little crowd and I had a pretty darn good set. Energy-wise, I kept it at a level appropriate for that size crowd. I saved the real acrobatics for Saturday’s show, which was nearly sold out.
On Saturday I pulled out all the stops. High energy stuff. But honestly, I felt my set on Friday was better. A good chunk of this crowd was into, but it wasn’t a slam dunk. We had some Halloween costumed folks in the front row that I played with a little. But I left the real crowd work to Willie since that’s his game.
Merch sales were good. The staff was great. And the booker’s dad (who was overseeing the shows) loved what I was doing. So all good for a nice end to the tour.
I’m taking a few days off now and I’ll be back on stage in Oakland, CA this Saturday….