I sometimes hear people say they hate the Olympics. How do you hate the Olympics? Ok, maybe you don’t enjoy watching them yourself. But how do you hate seeing people work hard and achieve their dreams? It’s like saying you … Continue reading
Category Archives: Life’s Little Oddities
I have to admit, I’m feeling a little disenchanted with the human race today. Some days the pettiness and stupidity get to you. To let’s go with that vibe and laugh at the stupid people, shall we? Here’s 5 things … Continue reading
As if sign waving /swinging /spinning wasn’t a stupid enough idea, over the last year or so I’ve started seeing sign waving mannequins. This makes me sad for humanity. The original reason for having people wave the signs was to … Continue reading
My girlfriend sent me a video yesterday showing the new Japanese body modification trend of saline injections into the forehead. Bagel-heads they’re calling them. Now, if you’ve seen my show, you know I’m all about people who have the guts … Continue reading
This is something that has always driven me a little bit nuts. Why is it that people are never smiling in old photos? And a lot of them, not only not smiling, but looking grim. I mean yeah, if you … Continue reading