The Breakdown of Ms Garcia

msgarciabreakdownthumbWe’re almost to the release of the “The Legend of Ms Garcia”.  I had to do some different stuff and learn a few new tricks while recording this track.  And I thought it would be fun to take you into the studio and break the song down to show you all the moving parts.
I just realized the title of this post could be a song of its own.

If you missed the other posts about the 80’s Mexican Soap Opera Mix, the influences on the song, or the solo acoustic version, you can click those links to check them out.

Update: The official recording of “The Legend of Ms Garcia” is now available! Click here to check it out or hit the player below.

Check out the video below where you can see both the inner workings of the new single and what a colossal mess my desk is.

By the way, I was inspired to do this by a great podcast called Song Exploder.  Not sure Hrishikesh Hirway, the host of the show, would be a fan of my music, but I love the idea.



The Breakdown of Ms Garcia — 2 Comments

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