2010 The Google Zeitgeist – The Most Popular Sites and Topics

Each year Google posts their zeitgeist lists.  All the biggest stuff that people were searching for all year.  Apparently in 2010 most people were concerned with wasting their time to a soundtrack of marginal music.

1. Chatroulette (seen at left) – Proving once again that if your business model focuses on perverts and teenage girls, particularly together, you’ll have yourself a winner.  So many rejections.  So many penises…

2. iPad – It took about 3 seconds for the tampon jokes to hit the net.  I’m convinced that should be Apple’s release plan for future products.  Easy jokes = hit product.  Coming soon: the Apple/Nintendo joint venture, the iWii.

3. Justin Bieber – Proving once again that if your business model focuses on pedophiles and teenage girls, particularly together, you’ll have yourself a winner.  So many rejections.  So many penises…

4. Nicki Manaj – An interesting case of the new superstar.  While she has her market that loves her and makes her successful, the majority of the population has no idea who she is.  Rock stars will no longer be ubiquitous household names.  If Nicki Manaj has one downfall, it’s that her music sounds like fingernails on a chalk board played through an am radio while a dog vomits on a club full of douchebags in Ed Hardy shirts.  This time next year?  She’ll be on the backup booking list for a “whatever happened to them?” show.

5.Friv – I know what you’re thinking.  “I’ve never heard of that position before.  Is that anything like a donkey punch?”  No.  It is in fact, a headache inducing website with free online games.  And the USA doesn’t even rank in the top 10 countries looking for the site.  Apparently citizens of Albania and Colombia have some time on their hands these days.

6. Myxer – A fine site that offers ringtone downloads.  And incidentally, where you can also get a ringtone of my song “Asshole” for free. 🙂

7. Katy Perry – She lost me when she stopped kissing girls.  And when she started spelling girl “gurl”.

8. Twitter – Still popular.  But why would anyone Google Twitter?  It’s kind of like googling “Google”.  Not to hard to find.

9. Gamezer – Online multi-player games this time.  And again the US doesn’t even rank.  However, now we know what the Palestinians are doing when not bombing each other.

10. Facebook – Because where else are you going to post the stats from the games you’re playing and the latest Justin Beiber news… Whether your friends care or not?

Here’s what I’d like to see in the top 10 for 2011.  If you don’t know…. Google ’em! 🙂

1. Gogol Bordello

2. The FuMP


4. Ramit Sethi

5. “Chase and AT&T implode” (one can dream…)

6. Pool Pirates

7. Skweezy Jibbs

8. Butch Walker

9. Greg Behrendt

10. Phil Johnson Comedy  🙂

Phil Johnson

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